wedding venice

9 reasons to have your wedding in Venice in the winter

There's nothing more wonderful than having your wedding in Venice in the winter. The truth is that, although it doesn't always snow, there is always a mystery to the air that's magical.   Would you like an atmosphere that's mystic,…
getting married in Venice

The easiest way – getting married in Venice

There's no point telling you how getting  married in Venice is not the same as getting married in any other city in the world.   Whether you're from Rome, Florence, Naples or any other city, the beauty and splendor of Venice make…
the perfect bouquet for your wedding

The perfect bouquet for your wedding. 5 tips for the right choice.

The first real rule is to define the theme of your wedding. Once you've decided this, you can pick the perfect bouquet for your wedding. There are hundreds of arrangements, themes and colours, and it's easy to make a mistake. Creating…
get married in Venice

The two common mistakes of those who get married in Venice and how to avoid them      

Do we all agree that your wedding day should be the happiest day of your life?   Do we truly agree on the fact that your very important "I do" should be said in the most beautiful and romantic place, as if in a fairytale, in the presence…
Wedding in Castle- Venice

How to choose your wedding reception in venice? 5 tips on making the best choice

I always remind people that getting married in Venice means choosing from a really vast range of restaurants, hotels and to choose your wedding reception in venice?   One of the most important factors points directly…
Wedding Planner Venice

How to get married in Venice without enlisting the help of a Wedding Planner

Let's imagine you have decided to get married in Venice and you're trying to better understand how to make your dream come true without spending a fortune.   First of all, eliminate to cost of a Wedding Planner.   Come…
wedding dress

6 reasons to pick a wedding dress made by you. Marryville- Wed in colour.

Have you noticed how many blogs and sites on the web present the latest wedding dress trends?   Well, don't follow what fashion dictates you to do any more, but decide for yourself!   Your wedding dress should be what you…